Manage and Save Your Favorite Filters with Segments

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Having filters is a critical tool to sort information into actionable insight. Clarity captures so much information from so many different types of users that often you only need to analyze a specific subset of your users. With Segments you can do exactly that!

Segments allow you to group users who share common characteristics, such as device type, browser, location, or page visited. You can also create segments based on user actions, such as clicks, scrolls, mouse movements, or rage clicks.

Let’s start with the basics.

Creating Your Segment

Clarity has made it very easy to do so in just three quick steps:

  1. Apply your desired filters.
  2. Select ‘Save as Segment‘ button and  give a friendly name.
  3. To view the Segment later, click on the ‘Segments‘ button.

Now let’s look at an example of how Segments can help you analyze the data you want to see:

Scenario: A small business owner has a website that focuses on exciting vegetarian dishes. To increase traffic to the website the owner is also posting content on the personalized recipe recommendation website, Yummly. Most of the traffic from this campaign is on mobile and the owner wants to understand the mobile experience of Yummly visitors by watching session recordings. As this is an ongoing activity, it makes sense to create a Segment for quick viewing.

The user applied the following filters to drill down for this specific data:

  • Campaign: Yummly
  • Device: Mobile
  • Duration: Last 7 day

Select “Save as Segment” and give your segment a name that you can remember so you can easily find it to use again. You can always change the name of your segment at a later date!

Navigate to your segments tab, select the name you saved, and the filters are automatically applied every time you select it for future analysis.

Benefits of Segments

  • Quickly access the Segment filters important to you
  • Save as many as you want (there is no limit!)
  • Segments are shared across the project to give easy access to filters your team cares about

One of the powerful features of Microsoft Clarity is the ability to create segments based on user behavior and attributes. Segments will become a key tool in optimizing the user experience for your website visitors! Start creating your favorite segments today and let us know what you think!

To learn more about Segments, click here.

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