Last 3 days
Downloads aren't available in the demo
Total sessions
This is the number of visits to your site during the selected period of time.
Bot sessions
Clarity flags bot sessions and excludes them from the total session count.
Pages per session
Scroll depth
Active time spent
This is the average time spent in a session
Active time: When a user's attention was on your site
Inactive time: When your site was hidden behind other tabs or windows
Active time: When a user's attention was on your site
Inactive time: When your site was hidden behind other tabs or windows
Live users
< 1 min ago
Unique users
Rage clicks
User rapidly clicked or tapped in the same small area
Dead clicks
User clicked or tapped on a page with no effect
Excessive scrolling
User scrolled through a page more than expected
Quick backs
User navigated to a page then quickly returned to the previous one
My watchlist
Add specific segments, custom tags or labels to your watchlist for easy tracking. Your watchlist is unique to you and not shared across your team.
Smart events
Smart events capture key user actions. Clarity automatically defines smart events, which you can edit. Or you can define your own.
No data available
Select a funnel
Choose a funnel to see traffic and dropoff information
No data available
No data available
No data available
JavaScript errors
JavaScript errors occur while executing JavaScript on the browser. Click errors are JavaScript errors that occur after a user click.
total JavaScript errors