Clarity integrations:
Let's work together!
Connect Clarity with these popular tools to share data, discover new insights, and make installation even easier.
![See what your users want—with Clarity](
Better together
Share data between Clarity and these popular apps to get more out of both
View recordings, heatmaps, and insights for your Google Ads campaigns. Discover ways to improve your campaigns conversions.
View recordings and heatmaps for your Google Analytics segments. Discover ways to improve GA goals.
Track AB Tasty experiments. Watch relevant recordings and compare variations using heatmaps.
Combine Kameleoon's A/B testing and personalization platform with Clarity for comprehensive insights.
Watch session recordings for Optimizely experiments. Use heatmaps to analyze variations.
Automate repetitive tasks and workflows when you connect Clarity projects to Zapier.
Link and access Clarity session recordings for each of your Firebase events/screens.
View recordings for your HubSpot Contacts.
Integrations to install Clarity
Set up Clarity in a few simple steps using one of these third-party platforms
Clarity offers so much more…
![Instant heatmaps](
Instant heatmaps
Generate heatmaps for all pages. See where people click and how far they scroll.
![Google Analytics](
Google Analytics
Connect Clarity and Google Analytics to understand user behaviors driving the data.