Session Recordings saved – with Clarity favorites!

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Session recordings are user session replays that are created when visitors interact with your website. They are very useful in analyzing user experience and/or behavior across multiple devices! To enhance this feature even more Clarity customers can now favorite their key recordings and as a result, view them in the favorite recordings tab! Super exciting!

Session recordings are a crucial tool to understand the impact of any changes made on your website. When you dig deep into session recordings there will be a number of sessions you will want to watch again or furthermore present to a wider audience. Clarity favorites let you keep a track of these session recordings with the tap of a mouse.

In the below example, you can see how easy it is to favorite a session recording from the session list or inline player. Furthermore, you can view the favorites just as easily in the adjacent tab.

Use the favorites icon in your recordings to :

  • Add session cards to a favorites list by selecting the star icon on any card.
  • Remove a card from the favorites list by unselecting the star.

Your favorites can be viewed by you or any member of your team. Use filters and sort to group favorites to find the one you need.

Check here to start using Favorites right away!

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