Clarity launches e-commerce insights for Shopify!

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Wow! Our team sure has been busy over the last few weeks! Just like Pharrell and Snoop, we are dropping new features like they are hot! This week it’s an e-commerce feature that we know you will love! Introducing E-commerce insights with Clarity for Shopify websites! Shopify powers over 1.7 million websites worldwide and is the all-in-one commerce platform to start, run and grow a business. So naturally, it made sense for us to include these insights in Clarity!

Two great e-commerce metrics in one awesome product

The new widgets which sit right on your Clarity dashboard will become integral to any Shopify e-commerce site. We will show which sessions on your site led to a purchase, and for Shopify Plus customers which led to checkout abandonment. Checkout abandonment is when a shopper begins the checkout process and then decides not to complete their purchase. To dig deeper, we connect you directly to the heatmaps and session recordings where purchases or abandonment occurred.

E-commerce: Shopify Purchases metric

The above shows the Clarity dashboard UI for sessions that resulted in a purchase. When you hover your cursor over the green part of the circle Clarity provides more detail with the number of sessions and page views. Click on the recordings button and see how your shopper became a customer.

E-commerce: Shopify Plus Checkout Abandonment metric

We’ve all been there! You have an amazing product with your e-commerce site delivering an amazing shopping experience that is geared towards optimizing your purchase funnel! Yet, your sales conversions are not what you expected! What is going wrong? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could see why? Well, now with Clarity you can!

The above shows the new UI for checkout abandonment insights! This gives you the insights to see which stage in the checkout process the shopper abandoned. What’s doubly cool is that you can then skip directly to the heatmaps and session recordings for abandonment at these specific steps!

There are three main stages in the checkout process. This is where shoppers enter information or choose an option to move to the next step. The stages are contact information, shipping method, and payment stage. Below we show real examples where the checkout experience caused checkout abandonment.

🛑 Contact Information abandonment

Contact information abandonment happens when users get the contact information part of the checkout process but do not get further. The heatmap above shows the contact information page for those sessions. The heatmap suggests a number of insights:

  1. The purple/blue around the contact information fields lets us know that shoppers are happy to complete their details.
  2. There is very little heat on the “Continue to Shipping” button but a lot of heat on text sign up. This suggests shoppers are interested in receiving promotions and discounts from the site.
  3. Finally, we also see the “Return to cart” link has some heat. This where shoppers abandon checkout and head back to the cart page. It could be assumed that if order summary was not collasped customers would be able see, modify their order and move to the shipping section.

🛑 Shipping method abandonment

The heatmap above shows:

  1. Lots of heat on the “change” button for shipping address. Therefore, we can assume that the previous step needs to make it clear that the address being entered is not the purchaser’s address but the address for someone who receives the shipment.
  2. Secondly, a lot of users click “return to information”. Therefore, this could imply the contact information page is not optimized.
  3. Finally, there is a lot of heat on the paid shipping methods which indicates that customers of this website do not mind paying extra to get the shipment faster.
🛑 Payment abandonment

For the payment abandonment heatmap we can see:

  1. There is a lot of heat on the “discount code” section, indicating that users are looking to get a better deal.
  2. There is a lot of heat on the “buy now pay later” option.

Combined these tell us that when the price isn’t right Customer can abandon the purchase. We can leverage this insight and target those customers to win them back. For example, notify them when the product goes on sale or offer a price reduction via email to complete the purchase.

We know you will love this insight and cannot wait for you to use it!

P.S – Our awesome team at Clarity is just getting started with e-commerce specific features stay tuned as we reveal more later this year!